Museum Saturday Science meets Art – Co-creating Craft and Art
The exhibition ‘Science meets Art’ illustrates how art can be used as a way to address stigmatisation regarding mental illness and neurodegeneration-related illnesses. It comprises of images of cell structures, fluorescence images, artworks and crafts. This presents a unique opportunity to harness science micrographs in cross-talk, thereby enhancing science by communicating in a unique and powerful manner. Read more on the exhibition here.
Join us for an introduction by project curator – Elizabeth Miller-Vermeulen as she introduces the work of two artists, Nomsa and Zach Mukwira, featured on exhibition. The introduction will be followed by a live demonstration by the Mukwira pair as they introduce and lead you through their practice. View their techniques and creations first hand as you are invited to join in this demonstration from home.
Due to covid-19 regulations the capacity to join the artists at the museum is limited, however there is a limited number of seats available. Book your seat now, or join from the comfort of your own home and be part of this co-creation.
Subscribe to our Youtube channel to watch the demonstration live this Saturday! We would love to see your creations, don’t forget to post online and tag @rupertmuseum #rupertmuseum #sciencemeetsart
Nomsa will be demonstrating making a glass beaded bowl, but, for the people present, she will assist in the making of glass bead coasters/small circular beaded objects.
Assorted seed beads (size 6)
Wire bowl frame (available at China Town / Pronto in Salt River / Crafters Inn – Somerset West)
Wire: 0.9mm and 0.5mm
Wire cutter
Zach will be doing/making a reinterpretation of his work on the exhibition – he will be using and demonstrating his own/unique “Woven Line” technique.
Velcote board (350g) A1 (use cutting blade to cut to working size, preferred format)
Dala oil paint tubes,50ml, following colours
Yellow ochre, Cardamom yellow, Sky blue, Red, Burnt sienna, Payens grey and White
Brushes Size 4, 6, 8, 12
Linseed oil (100ml)
Small etching tools
Zenith trimming blades, snap off – 20mm (10)
Pencil 6B
Alkyd oil painting medium
Zelcraft wood glue (100ml)
Turpentine to clean brushes