Woordfees: Guided Tour with Curator Eliz-Marié Schoonbee
Ticket information
Please purchase your ticket for R50 here.
Sluit aan by Eliz-MariéSchoonbee, kurator van die Rupert-museum, vir ’n rondleiding deur die museum se huidige uitstallings. Hierdie uur lange rondleiding sal op ’n verskeidenheid van genres en die werk van kunstenaars in drie tentoonstellings fokus: Die kunsversameling vanwyle Huberte Rupert, The Song of Tapestry deur Jean Lurçat en Artology, ’n keur van kunswerke uit die Universiteit van Pretoria se museums. Neem kennis dat sitplek beperk is en deelnemers vir ’n uur moet kan rondloop en staan. Elke kaartjie sluit ’n gratis koppie koffie of tee by die museumkafee in voor of ná die rondleiding.
Join Rupert Museum curator Eliz-Marié Schoonbee on a guided walk through the latest exhibitions at the Rupert Museum. This hour-long walkabout will focus on the array of genres and artists forming part of three exhibitions: The Art Collection of Huberte Rupert, The Song of Tapestry by Jean Lurçat and Artology; a selection of artworks from the collection of the University of Pretoria Museums. Please note seating is limited and participants must be willing to walk and stand for an hour. Each booking is accompanied by a coffee/tea voucher to be used at the museum café either before or after the tour on the day.